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Tantrum - big - acrylic on plywood, 39x60 cm

— Coming soon

Still can not accept the exclusive definition of art expressed by the industry:

I have heard this many times from different participants of the industry life, mostly from gallerists, and tbt this sentence hurts, still hurts, and hurts a lot.

I understand that they need to describe their limits or I guess cute cat paintings in the sunset would flood them, but I still feel ashamed when I ask myself if I am an artist. If my paintings are art pieces.

Even if I know deep down the answer, that I am an artist unquestionably, I still get upset and sad when I remember the upper thesis.

So to calm down I have made the two Tantrums, and felt better, and I hope with sharing my perceptions I can help someone to overcome a hard question like this.

This is not art.

IMPORTANT! This plywood is a bit bended, it would be a hell to frame is, I think it works quite well standing on the floor, or drilling two holes and hang with the cheapest rope is the same aesthetic.