Badacsony - rosé

30.00 - 100.00
— Sold out

I had an inspiring comission last Christmas. To paint a twin painting with two different sights of the beloved Lake Balaton.
I will write the story of the twins later, here I let myself to jump to one of the conclusions:
There IS a beauty in the storm.

In the moderate and silent pink series I was able to step away from the natural colours, and it opened up a lot of doors of expression.

Even while I am writing this description this painting intimidates me, recalling the memories of leaving my comfort zone, and gives a release at the same time, because it was worth to do it.

I know that this will be a love for someone who likes to go till the wall, and hugs dear, remember to hug yourself too, dear! :)

10,4 cm x 14,7 cm
Acrylic on cotton paper

Original and unique piece of art, signed when sold.